Baseball News

Expansion: Ken Rosenthal assesses Vancouver bid

Right now, when you think of baseball in Vancouver, you think of the Canadians, the Blue Jays’ farm club. We also think of the fans of Toronto, which positions itself as the Canadian team.

During the Jays’ games in Seattle, it is clear how much fans in Western Canada also love baseball.

That’s why as part of his podcast, where he takes questions from the public, Ken Rosenthal answered a listener’s question about Vancouver’s possible bid for an expansion.

And let’s say that the file is not simple.

After all, the listener in question questioned the relevance of having a potential expansion plan in Portland, but not in Vancouver.

It is true, on paper, that there are not necessarily big differences between the two cities. They are also close to Seattle, they are the same size, etc.

Can investor interest be a factor? Certainly. But under the right conditions, Rosenthal doesn’t see why the people of Vancouver couldn’t have their club.

It’s not necessarily probable, but good.

In fact, I don’t know if there are people who want to bring baseball to Vancouver by building a stadium there. This is perhaps what boque because without investors, there is logically no club.

Doesn’t Vancouver being in Canada make MLB happy? Do the Blue Jays want to remain the only Canadian team? Who knows.

Note that it is not necessary to draw a link between Montreal and Vancouver. The two are not in the same corner and it is not known if MLB is closed in Canada.

These are presumably independent files.

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