“ It was the worst basketball game ever played! “. This is what Mike Malone said after the 2023 All-Star Game. It was a basketball parody, and even the players were bored! This is perhaps why the NBA is seeking to correct the situation, and Adam Silver confirmed on the set of First Take that the NBA was considering returning to the old formula, that is to say an opposition between the East and the West. Which would mean that the “Draft” stage with two captains is over.
“We are considering possible format changes in Indianapolis this year, perhaps a return to something more traditional in terms of team presentation” he explained, specifying that he was studying the idea of returning to the formula “ historical » East versus West.
The spectacle, the priority of the NBA
The NBA abandoned this formula in 2018 after the West and the East had combined 374 points in 2017. Ultimately, the rule changes, and the implementation of the Elam Ending will not have changed anything since this year, Team Giannis and Team LeBron combined for 359 points in yet another game without defense or desire.
After the meeting, Mark Tatum, Silver’s right-hand man, suggested that the current formula needed to be reviewed. “No doubt: we’re going to have to take a look at the All-Star Game,” declared the number 2 in the league. “We will discuss it with the players and make some changes for next season, to ensure that it remains a spectacle for the fans. At the same time, you have to be careful. It remains a friendly match, so we don’t want the players to get injured. There is a balance to find. »
For or against an East versus West match at the All-Star Game?