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How long should you wait to play sports after a sprained ankle?

Grade 1 sprains are light sprains that usually allow return to sport in 2-3 weeks. Grade 2 ankle sprains involve greater injury to the ligament and can take up 4-6 weeks to allow full return to sport.

Furthermore, can you play sports on a sprained ankle? Can I Go Back to Sports? If you have an ankle sprain, you’ll probably need to take some time off from sports and other strenuous physical activities. Make sure your sprained ankle is completely healed first.

Also, when can I return to sports after a sprained ankle? Recovery is usually very quick following a sprained ankle where the injury is on the outside of the foot. Most athletes can go back to full training after 1-3 weeks. It can take longer if there is considerable damage to the ligaments, and some people suffer from stiffness and pain for several months.

Additionally, how soon can you play on a sprained ankle? With a mild sprain, you may be able to resume your normal activities within a few days. However, if your sprained ankle is severe, it may be weeks before you can safely play sports again.

In regards to, how long should you stay off a sprained ankle? Depending on the severity of the injury, she advises patients to avoid any impact on the injured ankle, including running and other athletic pursuits, for four-to-six weeks before gradually working up to previous levels.Despite the fact that most athletes who experience a low ankle sprain can return to sports within one to three weeks following the injury, those players who sustain a high ankle sprain are often out of sports for four to six weeks depending upon the injury severity.

Should I play football with a sprained ankle?

The football player should rest their ankle for at least 24-48 hours without bearing any weight—that means no sports for at least one to two days. If they feel any pain when the ankle bears weight, they should stop; continued use can make the injury worse and delay healing.

Do ankle sprains ever fully heal?

They can take longer to heal and sometimes require longer than three months to resolve with treatments like splinting, wearing a boot or a walking cast, and physical therapy. With the proper treatment, however, your high ankle sprain can heal completely.

Will my ankle ever be the same after a sprain?

“An ankle sprain that lingers beyond 3 months is often an injury to a bone, tendon or ligament that is unlikely to heal without intervention,” he says. “And the longer an ankle injury persists without proper treatment, the greater the likelihood that permanent disability will result.”

Can a sprained ankle heal in 2 days?

Mild sprains typically begin to feel better in a few days to a week and heal by six weeks. More severe ankle sprains could take more than a few weeks or months to fully recover.

What is a Grade 3 ankle sprain?

Grade 3 sprain It means that the ligament is completely torn or ruptured. You experience severe swelling and bruising. The joint probably isn’t functional because it’s too unstable, and movement creates intense pain. If you have a grade 3 sprain in the ankle, for example, walking usually isn’t possible.

Can you play with a grade 1 ankle sprain?

For the common Grade 1 sprain, I typically see return to play with a brace at 1-2 weeks after injury. For the common Grade 2 sprain, I typically see return to play with a brace at 4-5 weeks after injury.

What helps a sprained ankle heal faster?

  1. Rest. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort.
  2. Ice. Use an ice pack or ice slush bath immediately for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat every two to three hours while you’re awake.
  3. Compression. To help stop swelling, compress the ankle with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops.
  4. Elevation.

Should a sprained ankle still be swollen after 2 weeks?

This level of sprain shouldn’t result in any instability or muscle weakness but can cause minor swelling. Grade 1 sprained ankle recovery time is anywhere from 2 weeks to a month, normally closer to the two-week mark with proper treatment.

Should a sprained ankle still hurt after a week?

He says most sprains just need two days of ice and rest. “If they still have pain a week later, that’s when they should go to the primary care MD to have the next step to go to the physical therapist,” Dr. John Kennedy said. If pain persists, an orthopedist should take a look.

How do athletes recover from a sprained ankle?

In regards to treatment and healing time, each ankle sprain is different. The use of ice, compression with an elastic bandage, and elevating the foot above the heart can be very helpful in reducing swelling. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can also reduce swelling.

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